Coupledom Coaching

Coupledom Coaching is a great avenue for couples who have a strong foundation of love and communication with one another, but something is missing or an ongoing conflict keeps occurring that you can’t seem to avoid.

As your Coupledom Coach, I help you gain empathy and acceptance of your partner’s mental model of life, better understand your own world views and find common ground.

Sami’s relationship beliefs:

  • All individuals have their their own valid reality constructed from feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

  • Empathy is about stepping into someone else’s feelings and seeing the world from their lens. 

  • Witnessing someone else’s reality helps us better construct and understand our own world view.

  • By accepting the reality of your partner, we give ourselves freedom to accept and even love our own reality bringing about a sense of deeper peace within ourselves.

We’ll talk about…

  • Where the biggest misalignments in your relationship are.

  • What are the underlying feelings, thoughts, and beliefs driving these misalignments.

  • Create visuals or metaphors to describe these misalignments to better understand each person’s world views.

  • Explore areas of common ground both emotionally and practically.

You’ll learn to…

  • Sit with uncomfortable feelings or fears without running away or shutting down.

  • Name your feelings in real time to regulate your own nervous system.

  • Stay open to your partner’s perspective with a deeper sense of acceptance and understanding.

Coupledom Coaching is the right fit for:

couples in long-term committed relationships who feel stifled in their sense of satisfaction, but don’t quite understand why.

couples who want to be proactive, not reactive, around specific sources of conflict.

couples who are too busy to hold themselves accountable to new behaviors on their own.

Coupledom Coaching is not the right fit for:

healing from betrayal or what one partner deems a significant breach of trust.

healing from past family, partner, or other relational trauma or wounds.

couples with years of built-up hurts and resentment.

Not sure what you need? Let’s chat and figure it out together.

Coupledom Coaching Investment:

$225/ 1hr session